Borger Dragon Girl simple step process

Here's a simple step by step of the process for drawing the recent illustration.

I drew this sketch out on the Ipad, Ipad is easier for me to drawing out the line work, so I draw the sketch.

After the sketch, I draw the line art, I have a love hate relationship with lineart, I'm not very good at drawing lineart, like drawing with a single stroke. I usually just draw a line, then after I would erase the line to make it more slim, its a tediuos process and I dont like it LOL.

Here  comes the base color, this is probably the most easiest part. Just slap the colors. I've been using the Ipad up to this point. Since I'm not very used to shading / rending out with  Ipads procreate, next point is done through SAI on my Wacom Mobile Pro. 

MAGIC, all the shading and lighting magically appeared! I basically use  the  watercolor brush tool to doing all the rendering for the shading. 

Still a long ways, but it was a good fun way to practice. 

The character done for this piece is an original character by Kumaartsu on twitter


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